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Relax, Jax
Relax, Jax
I am sending you some pictures of the fabulous Jaxy! He is so great. He has so much fun at his daycare & is loved by the staff and all the dogs too. The staff has found that he can be put in all play groups and gets along great and plays nice with everyone. Sometimes he has dog friends come to our house and he is so nice, he doesn't even care if they get his treats. He has successfully taken over my house too. His dog bed is only used in his crate. I think I will give him another month or so and start trying to leave him out of the crate when I go away. (Not that I go many places without him, he is always at the door when he knows I am getting ready to go somewhere.) I am so glad you found him for me. I still want to take him to PetSmart to see Bobbie sometime. If you have a minute, can you please send her these pictures? Thanks. Happy New Year! Lucy
Safe Haven Humane Society
P.O. Box 55, Ionia, MI 48846
Phone: 616-522-1611
Fax: 517-579-5948
