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Sweet Max
Sweet Max
Just wanted to let you know that Max is settling in -- we think he has adopted us. At first when it got dark, he would look at us as if to say "it has been nice visiting but it is time to go home." Now he goes to his bed. He got really excited when our granddaughter came on Thanksgiving -- she is the same size as his foster family's daughter. This has been confusing to him, so we have let him warm up to us and try not to overwhelm him. He is content just to be in the room with one or both of us. After our experience with our Mickey, we became convinced the best way to get a new family member was to adopt from a humane society. What a sweetheart Max has been. He is quite the character. We think he was raised on a farm as he gets excited to see the cows next to us and wants to get to them; he is not afraid of the bull and will growl at it. I wish I was able to get a picture of him and the brave young brown cow nose to nose at the fence. He also likes the snow. He makes us laugh. What a blessing. Thank you again for helping us with our gift to each other, we look at him and smile. Nancy and Jim
Safe Haven Humane Society
P.O. Box 55, Ionia, MI 48846
Phone: 616-522-1611
Fax: 517-579-5948
